Lost Evenings IV

Fr 22. Mai 2020
Beginn 13 h

Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage in Sachen COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) und den damit verbundenen Auflagen
müssen wir das Konzert leider absagen. Informationen bezüglich Tickets folgen so schnell wie möglich.

Leider muss das für den 21.–24. Mai geplante Event aufgrund des aktuellen Verbots für Großveranstaltungen bis Ende des Sommers abgesagt werden, um eine Ausbreitung des Coronavirus in größeren Menschenmengen zu verhindern. Dies ist eines von sehr vielen betroffenen Konzerte, aber eine verständliche und wichtige Sicherheitsmaßnahme für die Bevölkerung und euch als Gäste.

Unser Bestreben ist es, alle Kundenanfragen diesbezüglich bestmöglich und zeitnah zu beantworten. Da die Menge der Anfragen und der Umstand, dass sämtliche Maßnahmen, die nun getroffen werden müssen, für alle Beteiligten komplett neu sind, kann es leider zu Wartezeiten von zwei bis drei Wochen für eine Beantwortung kommen. Bitte gebt uns die Zeit, die wir brauchen, um auf eure individuelle Anfrage antworten zu können. Wir geben Alles, um euch so schnell wie möglich mit weiteren Informationen zu versorgen. Generell gilt, dass Ticketkäufer*innen bei Neuigkeiten zur Veranstaltung umgehend von dem System informiert werden, auf dem die Tickets erworben wurden (z.B. eventim.de).

Herzlichen Dank für euer Verständnis und vorab für eure Geduld!

Unfortunately, this event, planned for May 21th–24th, has to be cancelled due to the new ban for major events until end of summer, German authorities put in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus amongst large crowds. This is one event of many being affected but an understandable and important safety measure for the population and you as guests.

Our aim is to answer all customer enquiries in this regard as best and promptly. The number of enquiries and the fact that all measures that must now be taken are completely new for everyone involved means that there can unfortunately be a waiting time of two to three weeks for the answer. Please give us the time we need to respond to your individual request. We do everything we can to provide you with further information as soon as possible. In general, ticket buyers will be informed about news regarding the event immediately by the system on which the tickets were purchased (e.g. eventim.de).

Thank you for your understanding and in advance for your patience!

„Hi everyone.

Well, this is an announcement that breaks my heart to have to make. As many people have guessed, Lost Evenings in Berlin this year cannot go ahead. It took a global pandemic to stop it, but stop it it has. With the announcements by German, UK and other governments, we simply can’t proceed with the show – it wouldn’t be the safe or responsible thing to do anyway. The warmup shows we had planned in Germany and France are also gone. Given the complex nature of the line-up, and the continuing uncertainty around live events, we’ve decided to simply cancel, rather than trying to reschedule.

This represents an entire year of hard work and money lost by me and, more importantly, my crew, manager, agent and promoters. I know a lot of people will be upset and disappointed about this – all I can say is, me too, friends, me too.

I’m sorry the announcement has been slow in coming, predictable as it is. There’s been a minefield of legal and financial things we’ve been trying to get right to make sure we do right by everyone. Announcing today hopefully gives everyone time to make arrangements about flights and hotels and so on. We are in daily contact with the German promoter and government about sorting the ticket situation, and will post updates as soon as we have them. I must stress that none of us are making any money out of this situation – quite the opposite.

Like everyone in the live music industry, I’m trying to figure out when I’ll be able to do shows again, and you will all be the first to know about that. In the meantime, stay safe, sane, healthy, kind, and stay indoors if you can.

